This was great!
Good job. Although, on the part where Mario is seem ingly saying a lot, but then the text thing just says "K", did you steal that joke from Family Guy?
This was great!
Good job. Although, on the part where Mario is seem ingly saying a lot, but then the text thing just says "K", did you steal that joke from Family Guy?
0MGZ LYK LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is hilarious, just because it's so random. I haven't seen anything else by you (besides Super Mario Bros. Z 1 through 6) but this is great. It makes up for the fact that it's poorly made (which I know it's supposed to be) and makes it seem... well, NOT poorly made. Dood job on being bored! XD
I draw comics. I also animate stuff in Flash and Pivot, but I'm not all that good. I'm not bad, though. If you give a crap, check out my YouTube account for more of my stuff. My animations are pretty decent. I write okay, too.
Age 31, Male
New Tech High School
Bloomington, IN
Joined on 5/31/07