I could stare at this for hours.
Also, wow, if you just happened to match up the "computer pixel" graphic up with exactly one pixel on your monitor, everything else would be proportional, too. The whole universe. Deep. I love it.
I could stare at this for hours.
Also, wow, if you just happened to match up the "computer pixel" graphic up with exactly one pixel on your monitor, everything else would be proportional, too. The whole universe. Deep. I love it.
Shouldn't be on Newgrounds.
This game sucks. There's no strategy at all; you can't beat hardly any of the bosses, it freezes all the time and if you right-click and select "play," it doesn't just unfreeze the game, it skips to the part where the boss dies, except sometimes, YOU die instead. It needs work, but fixing it is probably a waste of time anyway.
Pretty good
It was a challenge, I got stuck about halfway through. I think maybe the nail above the red door should've stuck out a little more. The graphics were good, but I wasn't too impressed with the animation itself. Not that it was extremely bad; I'm just not a fan of tween-based movement. I also think the ending was a bit cheap, couldn't the game have been any longer? Everyone was so afraid of the Beast, but no one thought to use fire against it?
I don't like it.
The attacks drain YOUR power, and the ones that don't won't hit anything. It's far too easy to get killed. The animation is bad, too. The opening cutscene was humurous, though.
Some of the questions are incorrect, mainly question 6. (Hello? Kirby, DeDeDe, and Meta Knight are all in Brawl!) The "Paper Mario" thing looked bad because of the white boxes, and this quiz was just too easy and looked incredibly rushed.
One specific thing I liked...
"Tabbing is for TWATS!"... Well, I'm a twat. Guilty as charged. =]
Shut the fuck up, reviewers!
This isn't a very good game, and yes, it's stupid to make fun of people extensively because of clothes or music they like... BUT YOU PEOPLE SAYING "emoz been throu so much i hav no idea how 2 typ in english"... GTFO!! Yes, I suppose as people, some emos have probably been through a lot, but having a certain preference doesn't instantly make you a hero or whatever it is you fools are trying to say. In short, this person doesn't deserve to "die a bloody death". I might've said that about you, but none of you have lives to begin with, so get some.
As if there aren't enough tutorials on Newgrounds?
None of the other sprite tutorials tell you how to remove the background!
Thank you for that. I'm also glad that you talked about Ease and motion guides on the other tutorial. You've really helped me, thanks!
This is unlike any game I've seen before... nice work! Good gameplay, great choice of music, and nice transition between peace and complete madness.
This walk cycle is okay, but...
It's kind of jerky. When I make walk-cycles, I tend to tween the arms and make frame by frame legs (that are much more fluid than this) and maybe make the body squish a little, tweening the head accordingly if so.
Anyway, at least this tutorial isn't confusing... and you made it funny, too.
I draw comics. I also animate stuff in Flash and Pivot, but I'm not all that good. I'm not bad, though. If you give a crap, check out my YouTube account for more of my stuff. My animations are pretty decent. I write okay, too.
Age 31, Male
New Tech High School
Bloomington, IN
Joined on 5/31/07